Records Office 工作人员 Responsibilities



电子邮件: 杰里

Phone: (509) 527-2811

Student Completion and 毕业 Issues, 研究生 Studies Degree Audit, 研究生 Studies Requests to 研究生, Academic Policies, 和FERPA

Tauva Hellie

转移 and Degree Completion Evaluator


Phone: (509) 527-2360

Transcript Evaluations, 转移 Course Approvals, Application for Degree (Senior Outline) Approvals, Degree Audit Exceptions, and Challenge Exam Approvals.

凯雷(Carlyle) Tagalog  

Academic Advisement and Curriculum Coordinator

电子邮件: 凯雷(carlyle)

Phone: (509) 527-2890

JumpStart Planning and Coordination, Curriculum Committee Requests and Processing, Undergraduate Bulletin Updating, Degree Audit Maintenance, and Academic Advisement.

克雷格 Connell

Functional Analyst

电子邮件: 克雷格

Phone: (509) 527-2501

Class Schedule, Classroom and Event Reservations, Tuition Charges and Adjustments, and PeopleSoft Queries.